E’ uscito, per la Peter Lang, a cura di Michela Minesso, Welfare Policies in Switzerland and Italy. Institutions, Motherhood, Family and Work in the 19th and 20th Centuries,
Il libro contiene un mio contributo dal titolo: Between State and Voluntary Action: the Evolution of the Italian Third Sector.

Welfare Policies in Switzerland and Italy
Institutions, Motherhood, Family and Work in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Series: Studies in Contemporary History
Edited by: Michela Minesso

This book provides two main contributions to the existing literature on the history of welfare institutions and social rights in the 20th century. First, it is, to the best of our knowledge, the first research to analyze the cross-country comparison of welfare policies between the two countries from a historical prospective. The comparison is particularly interesting as we focus on two nations with very different institutional settings. On one side Switzerland, a federal state. On the other Italy, a centralized state until only very recently. The second important contribution of this book is the specific set of policies analyzed: policies aimed at protecting motherhood, childhood and women workers’ rights during the 20th century, a period in which European society changed drastically

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