Giornate della Ricerca/Research Day: 5.12.2018

Il 5 dicembre prossimo, dalle ore 11.15 alle ore 12.30, nella Sala Conferenze del Presidio Mattioli (III piano), durante la sessione dell’Area Storica nell’ambito delle Giornate della Ricerca, presenterò i temi delle ricerche che svolgo attualmente.

On December 5, 2018, from 11.15 to 12.30, in Sala Conferenze (via Mattioli, 10 – III floor) during the session of the Historical Area as part of the Giornate della Ricerca (Research Day), I will present my ongoing research topics.

Ecco il programma completo dell’iniziativa:
Here is the complete programme of the initiative:

Giornate della ricerca del dipartimento di scienze politiche e internazionali (DISPI)

Profili storici, economici e giuridici. I docenti del dipartimento illustrano le loro ricerche
4-5 dicembre 2018
Sala conferenze – presidio mattioli
Ore 9,00-13 e 15,00-19,00

4 dicembre 2018
Saluti istituzionali – ore 9,00
Francesco Frati, Magnifico Rettore Universita’ di Siena
Mauro Barni, delegato alla ricerca di ateneo
Stefano Maggi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Internazionali

Apertura dei lavori e presentazione – ore 9,15
Giovanni minnucci, presidente commissione ricerca DISPI

Area giuridica
Diritto internazionale – ore 9,30
Presiede Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi

Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, Alessandra Viviani,
Federico Lenzerini, Paolo Venturi, Eugenio Carli

Storia del diritto, filosofia del diritto – ore 11,15
Presiede Giovanni Minnucci

Giovanni minnucci, Fulvio Mancuso, Tiziana Ferreri, Francesco Zini

Pausa pranzo ore 13,00

Diritto costituzionale – ore 15,00

Presiede Michela Manetti

Michela Manetti, Roberto Borrello, Eva Lehner, Antonio Riviezzo, Andrea Frosini

Diritto amministrativo e tributario – ore 16,30
Presiede Fabio Francario

Fabio Francario, Laura Castaldi, Massimiliano Bellavista,
Mario Rossi Sanchini, Enrico Zampetti

Diritto privato, penale e del lavoro – ore 17,45
Presiede Raffaele Lenzi

Raffaele Lenzi, Silvia Brandani, Filippo Bellagamba,
Giovanni Orlandini, Maria Dolores Santos Fernandez

5 dicembre 2018
Area economico-statistica – ore 9,00
Presiede Massimo Di Matteo

Massimo Di Matteo, Fabrizio Coricelli, Simone Borghesi,
Silvia Ferrini, Elisa Ticci, Cinzia Buccianti, Maria Vella

Area storica
Storia contemporanea ore 11,15

Presiede Stefano Maggi

Stefano Maggi, Donatella Cherubini, Gerardo Nicolosi, Gianni Silei, Eleonora Belloni

Pausa pranzo ore 12,30

Storia delle relazioni internazionali e storia delle dottrine politiche ore 14,30

Presiede Sergio Amato

Sergio Amato, Massimiliano Guderzo, Liliana Senesi,
Andrea Francioni, Fabio Casini, Massimo Bianchi


  • Programma in formato pdf: qui
  • Programme (pdf fornat): here

Fascism and anti-Fascism in Great Britain – London 26/11/2018

Fascism and anti-Fascism in Great Britain

International Conference

26 November 2018

SOAS University of London
10, Thornhaugh Street Russell Square

Room 116 – Main Building, SOAS
9.30 a.m.


9.30 a.m. Institutional Greetings

Fondazione di studi storici “Filippo Turati”

Gender Studies at SOAS – University of London

10.00 a.m. – Room 116 Main Building SOAS

Chair: Gianni Silei, University of SIENA

Anna Rita Gabellone, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
The Women’s International Matteotti Committee

Steven Woodbridge, University of Kingston
Inspired by the same spirit? British Fascists and the Italian model during the 1920s

Patricia Chiantera-Stutte, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
 Fascism and National Socialism in Arnold J. Toynbee’s prospective

Angelo Arciero, University of Rome “Guglielmo Marconi”
Around T. S. Eliot and Fascism

Tamara Colacicco, SAS, IMLR, CCM, University of London, BSR
Interwar Anglo-Italian cultural diplomacies’:  British universities environment,
the British Institute of Florence and the British Council

Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 p.m.
Room 4426 Main Building, SOAS

14.30 p.m. – MEET 22 RS T102 (20)

Chair: Patricia Chiantera-Stutte University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Alfio Bernabei,  writer
1922: Fascism and anti-Fascism in London’s Little Italy

Stefania Rampello, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Italian anti-Fascism in London

Carmelo Calabrò, University of Pisa
Anti-Fascism by Carlo Rosselli and British socialism

Alice Gussoni, University of Oxford
Gaetano Salvemini’s British anti-Fascist network (1925-1934)

Daniele Fano, ST Skills Together
Pier Paolo Fano – Pentad, The remaking of Italy

Fabio Simonetti, University of Reading
Shaping the enemy: British and Italian propaganda
against each other, 1940-1943

Chair: Patricia Chiantera-Stutte, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Debate and Conclusion

Scientific Committee:

Maurizio Degl’Innocenti, Fondazione di Studi Storici “Filippo Turati”
Patricia Chiantera-Stutte, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Gianni Silei, University of Siena

Organizational Committee:

Anna Rita Gabellone, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Paola Zichi, University of SOAS
Tamara Colacicco, SAS, IMLR, CCM, University of London, BSR

 Download programme (pdf)


Europe and its Fears in the Age of Anxiety

E’ online su De Europa – European and Global Studies Journal del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell’Università di Torino, in un numero dedicato al tema European Anxieties and Worries (guest editors: Giovanni Borgognone e Giuseppe Sciara), un mio contributo dal titolo Europe and its Fears in the Age of Anxiety: Historiography and Perspectives.

It is a common belief that the dimension of fear, increasingly used by media by borrowing expressions such as “Society of fear”, “Politics of fear” or “Culture of Fear”, has emerged as a collective feeling in contemporary society after the attacks on the Twin Towers of 11 September 2001. In reality, Fear was already present in Western collective sensibility, as already happened in the course of history during phases characterised by profound economic, political or social changes, in close connection with a widespread sense of uncertainty and anxiety.

This contribution provides a general view, from a historical perspective, of the theme of fear and more generally of the history of emotions in the West, with particular attention to the European case study, first of all reconstructing the evolution of the historiographical debate, from the first reflections by Lucien Febvre, advanced during the rise of totalitarianism in Europe, to the progressive affirmation of studies on this issue, in particular from the second half of the Seventies, until the wide and differentiated recent literature. After comparing the different methodological approaches, describing the different types of sources used by scholars and posing the question of which social actors to study to better understand the characterizing traits of a collective feeling so important but also so elusive, the essay finally poses the issue of the periodization of collective fears – proposing a subdivision of the latter between short-term fears and long-term fears – and their dynamics during the twentieth century and the beginning of the new millennium.

Keywords: Fear, History of emotions, History of Fear, Europe, Social History, Cultural History.


Il Vajont e Giovanni Pieraccini

E’ uscito sulla rivista semestrale dell’Istituto Storico Bellunese della Resistenza e dell’Età contemporanea (n. 114 – giugno 2018), nel numero dedicato al ricordo di Ferruccio Vendramini, un mio breve contributo dal titolo La legislazione sul Vajont dalle carte di Giovanni Pieraccini scritto in occasione della presentazione dell’omonimo libro pubblicato per Lacaita nel 2016 e presentato a Belluno, alla presenza di Maurizio Reberschak e dello stesso Vendramini, nel novembre dello stesso anno.

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