Si informano i laureandi che per la redazione delle tesi ho aderito al servizio di Software antiplagio (programma Turnitin) messa a disposizione dall’Università di Siena. Gli elaborati saranno sottoposti ad una analisi del testo per verificarne l’originalità rispetto alla documentazione (tesi di laurea, master, dottorato, riviste elettroniche, documentazione online e altre risorse disponibili nel database del software).
per ulteriori informazioni: http://www.unisi.it/unisilife/notizie/line-la-procedura-software-antiplagio-laureandi-universita-di-siena

Ulteriori informazioni sulle tesi di laurea:
– per gli studenti dei CdL afferenti al Dispi: clicca qui
– per gli studenti afferenti al Dispoc: clicca qui


In order to get the MD, the student has to prepare and discuss an original thesis, under the guidance of a supervisor, chosen among the professors of the Master Program. For the Master thesis the student will receive 18 ECTS.

The thesis has to be written in Italian or in English. The thesis can be a literature review or a report containing theoretical-experimental original results. A co-supervisor will also be appointed to evaluate the contribution of the thesis.

The student who wants to take the final exam (i.e. the viva defending their thesis) must apply at the Segreteria Studenti (Students Office) at least 30 days before the date of the final exam. In order to have the actual possibility to access the exam, the student has to obtain all the required ECTS at least 15 days before the date of the exam. The application must include an abstract of the thesis in electronic format. The printed thesis must be presented to the Segreteria Studenti at least one week before the final exam.

The final grade ranges from 66 to 110. The maximum grade is “110 e lode” (cum laude). The final grade is the sum of two terms: an initial grade, based on the student’s career, and a thesis grade, decided by the final exam committee. The initial grade is the average of exam grades (weighted by ECTS), expressed on a 110 scale and rounded to the nearest integer. The thesis grade is decided by the final thesis committee, taking into account the opinion of the supervisors. The maximum thesis grade is 6. In order to give the maximum grade (110 e lode) the agreement of all members of the final exam committee is required. There are 5 sessions a year for the final exam.

Some useful tips to prepare your paper/thesis: thesis writing guide (pdf)